About Us: Empowering The American Farmers

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Our Passion: Why Temple Health & Wellness Exists

To inspire others to be bold and fearless, moving beyond talk to actualizing a future where holistic health fuels our bodies for optimal daily performance.

Inspire Others, Be a Leader, Be Your Boldest Self, Transform Your Life and the Lives of Others, Creating a TEMPLE that Thrives.

OUr Story

From Farm to Family: Temple Health & Wellness Distribution Empowers Your Business & Your Customers’ Wellbeing

Chris Whited, co-founder and president of Temple Health & Wellness Distribution, has a life-long dedication to American agriculture and a deep belief in the power of natural products. Raised on a family farm in Illinois, Chris witnessed the struggles faced by small farmers. Determined to make a difference, he spent 16 years working alongside them, ensuring their legacies continued through sustainable business practices.

Chris’s passion for agriculture extends beyond the land. He recognizes the growing demand for high-quality, natural wellness products. Finding these products scattered across various retailers frustrated him, sparking the idea for Temple Health & Wellness Distribution.

By partnering with Temple Health & Wellness Distribution, you’re not just adding high-quality products to your shelves, you’re empowering your customers with the power of nature and supporting the future of American agriculture. Let’s bridge the gap between farm and family, together.

Our Mission: Empowering Wellbeing Through Nature’s Power

Why Partner with Temple Health & Wellness Distribution?

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Our Culture & Values


(Fast & First Class)

Grow all aspects of business through market development and disruption, education, strategic partnerships, acquisitions and social media marketing.


(Grade A Every Day)

Manufacture and distribute quality products with quality service.

Executional Excellence

(Simply The Best)

Execute all processes in a manner that is organized, consistent, fair and timely; unmatched by others.


(Kick Yesterday’s Ass)

Leverage creative ingenuity to enhance quality of service and products, improve processes, and drive new ideas.

Client appreciation is paramount

We believe in mutual respect, humility, integrity, and professionalism, PERIOD!

We believe mutual RESPECT is integral to all we do and say.

We treat others as we would want to be treated. We encourage and praise, show courtesy and kindness, listen with an open mind first before expressing our own opinions, and value feedback and suggestions.

The Golden Rule.

We believe HUMILITY is exemplified by servant leadership.

We put others first, listen, show gratitude, ask for help when needed, seek feedback, and mentor others.

If you’re the smartest person in the room, there’s no value in pointing it out.

We believe in HIGH INTEGRITY, doing the right thing.

We tell the truth, keep promises, take personal responsibility, admit mistakes, work hard, support each other, stand up for what’s right.

Doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

We believe PROFESSIONALISM is essential to this industry.

We do what we say, finish what we start, be of high character, embrace a positive attitude, perform job duties effectively, develop a professional image, and commit to continuous improvement and continued learning.

It’s not the job you do but how you do the job.