Goldvana has spent four years developing innovative technology to create water-soluble CBD. Our CBD mixes clearly and tastelessly into any beverage; when dropped into liquid, our CBD nanoparticles are dispersed throughout your drink. This is not possible with typical CBD tinctures, which are created by diffusing hemp extract into an oil. After all, oil and water don’t mix. When dropped into a beverage, typical CBD oil droplets will coagulate and remain separate from the water at the liquid’s surface, refusing to dissolve into your drink.
Yet the advantages of water-soluble CBD versus typical CBD oil go far beyond whether these products can be mixed into a beverage. Water-soluble CBD has numerous benefits beyond this convenient form of consumption. In fact, whether or not your CBD is water-soluble actually determines whether or not it can be efficiently utilized by the body–which, in turn, determines whether or not the CBD you consume will actually produce any effects.
Though we will dive into a more in-depth explanation of water-soluble CBD below, it may help to start with a few key features that set our water-soluble products apart from their CBD oil counterparts. Water-soluble CBD is created using nanotechnology, a method that involves the use of ultrasonic waves to shrink CBD particles down to a microscopically small size. Whereas the CBD particles in non-water-soluble CBD oil are much larger, our tiny CBD nanoparticles are so small that they dissolve rapidly into the bloodstream. Because CBD dissolves in fat rather than water, we place our CBD nanoparticles in a fatty carrier base to dissolve them before they enter the human body. This fatty base is known as an emulsifier, which acts as an intermediary that makes a substance that typically doesn’t dissolve in water–such as CBD–water-compatible.
As a result, water-soluble CBD has several key advantages over CBD oil tinctures. These include fast-acting effects; a longer shelf-life; superior bioavailability; higher potency; and versatility, as water-soluble CBD can be dissolved in a beverage and consumed on the go.
Transform Your Beverage with Goldvana CBD!
Water Soluble CBD, CBD Oil, and the Bloodstream
As we all know, water and oil don’t mix. This is true not only of how CBD oil behaves in beverages but also of how it behaves in the bloodstream, which is itself largely water-based. The underlying problem with non-water-soluble CBD, then, isn’t limited to whether or not a CBD will dissolve in a beverage. It actually relates to whether or not CBD can be utilized by the body.
To produce effects, CBD must dissolve in the bloodstream, which, as aforementioned, comprises a significant amount of water. As a result, when you ingest non-water-soluble CBD, it behaves much like oil does when dropped into a cup of water: droplets of CBD oil coagulate and isolate themselves from the surrounding liquid, refusing to mix and dissolve. Because water accounts for about 60% of the body’s composition, it resists mixing with, dissolving, and absorbing oil. This means that most oil-based CBD tinctures are impossible for the body to utilize properly, which is why CBD oil produces inferior effects.
Bioavailability refers to the amount of a substance that is dissolved into the bloodstream to produce active effects. CBD oil typically has low bioavailability: because oil and water don’t mix, CBD molecules resist dissolution in the bloodstream, behaving much like oil in water. As a result, the majority of the dosage of CBD oil that you consume is left behind in the bloodstream and goes to waste, while only a small fraction actually circulates through the body to produce effects. Even in large doses, then, CBD oil will produce minute effects. The potency and efficiency of any CBD product ultimately comes down to bioavailability, which is determined by the rate and efficacy with which CBD dissolves into the bloodstream–and because CBD oil cannot mix with the water in our blood, it cannot (even at large doses) produce beneficial effects.
Goldvana’s water-soluble products, on the other hand, are 90% bioavailable (nearly nine times more bioavailable than CBD oils). CBD alone cannot dissolve in water, yet this problem can be solved through the use of an emulsifier, a fatty base that acts as an intermediary between two incompatible substances (such as CBD and water). This fat-based emulsifier makes CBD and the water in the bloodstream compatible.
Meanwhile, because our CBD nanoparticles are so small, they enter the body through pathways that typical CBD particles are too large to pass through. Our CBD nanoparticles are so small that they can enter the body through cell membranes in the gut, esophagus, and mouth. The CBD molecules in typical CBD oils, on the other hand, are too large to move through these membranes; instead, they must pass through the liver and digestive system before being absorbed by the body. This is why the bioavailability of water-soluble CBD is so far superior to that of CBD oil.
How is Water-Soluble CBD Made?
Goldvana creates water-soluble CBD through the process of nanoemulsification, which involves the use of ultrasonic waves to put pressure on CBD particles from hemp. This pressure causes individual particles to explode into dozens of miniature CBD nanoparticles, drastically reducing the size of CBD particles. The resulting nanoparticles are so small that they are measured in nanometers (one nanometer equals one-billionth of a meter).
These CBD nanoparticles are then mixed with an emulsifier, a fatty base in which CBD can dissolve prior to entering the body. An emulsifier is an intermediary substance that forces two otherwise incompatible substances–such as oil and water–to mix. CBD is lipophilic, meaning that it dissolves in fat rather than water. For this reason, we use a fatty emulsifier, which makes our CBD nanoparticles compatible with the water in the bloodstream–or the water in your beverage. The resulting CBD has the ability to mix with water, which is why water-soluble CBD can dissolve into the bloodstream so much faster and more efficiently than CBD oil. This is also why water-soluble CBD can, as its name suggests, dissolve in water and other beverages (whereas CBD oil cannot).
The Advantages of Water-Soluble CBD vs. CBD Oil
Water-soluble CBD has several key advantages over CBD oils. These include, but are not limited to:
- Fast-acting effects: Because CBD resists mixing with the water in the bloodstream, behaving as oil would in water, it takes much longer for the body to absorb the active ingredient (CBD), and as a result, the effects of CBD tinctures take hours to kick in. Water-soluble CBD, on the other hand, is formulated to dissolve rapidly into the bloodstream, and as a result, the Goldvana CBD takes effect in under ten minutes after ingestion.
- Superior Bioavailability: Water-soluble CBD is known to yield superior bioavailability, estimated at nine times more bioavailable than CBD oil. Bioavailability refers to the amount of a substance that dissolves in the bloodstream and is thus able to produce active effects. When you consume water-soluble products, you receive 90% of the CBD in your original dosage; CBD oil, on the other hand, yields a bioavailability of less than 13%.
- Ease of Use and Versatility: CBD oil tinctures cannot be mixed with water-based beverages, as oil and water don’t mix. Water-soluble CBD, on the other hand, dissolves into beverages such as smoothies, cocktails, beer and wine, coffee–and virtually any other beverage that you can imagine. This makes CBD more enjoyable to consume while giving food and beverage establishments the opportunity to upsell each beverage by infusing it with CBD. This also satisfies retail customers, who will enjoy consuming their CBD in a convenient, neutral-tasting form, and who can take their CBD-infused beverages on the go.
- Longer Shelf Life: Through four years of research and development, Goldvana has developed the innovative techniques necessary to create water-soluble CBD with a shelf-life of up to two years, which is over twice as long as the shelf life of typical CBD oils–and, moreover, far superior to the shelf-life of most water-soluble products (if not almost all CBD products) on the market today.
With advanced nanoemulsification techniques unexplored by other industry leaders, Goldvana is establishing a new frontier in the world of water-soluble CBD.
Water-soluble CBD has many advantages for consumers and businesses alike. This is the ideal product for brand enhancement, allowing bars and restaurants to upsell beverages of all kinds by infusing them with water-soluble CBD. Because our water-soluble CBD kicks in instantly, your customers will feel the benefits of our product before they finish their first CBD-infused drink–leaving them eager to come back for more. For retailers, these fast-acting effects translate into similar benefits. Our water-soluble CBD will quickly establish customer confidence in the superiority of your brand, while realizing the advantages of your product within minutes of trying it for the first time.
Discover the benefits of Goldvana’s Nano Water Soluble CBD products today!
Elevate your CBD experience to a new level of efficiency and enjoyment.
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